Customer Care
You can book online here and select a date and time that is convenient for you. If your preferred date or time does not show, please add yourself to our waitlist and we will contact you if that time does become available. Alternatively you can call our friendly team on 0448 160 702.
Please note we do take down card details at the time of booking, however payment will be made on the day after your appointment has taken place, we accept card or cash.
Please see our cancellation policy if you wish to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
Please note any cancellations/ changes made within 24 hours of your appointment does incur a $50 fee. Any no-shows/ cancellations made within 2 hours of your scheduled appointment time will result in 100% of the total service cost being charged.
Please contact our team on 0448 160 702 if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment.